Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Feb 10-14(4th six weeks)

Do you think our government is going enough to protect our food sources? Why or why not?


  1. Our government is not doing enough to protect our food source i believe that the coorporations and governments work together to bring money to thier cause or their pockets with little regard for the well bieng of the people. Thats why the people have created these hunger groups and campains to bring better quality and food quantities to people across the world.

    Marvin Washington
    7th Period

    1. I agree that the government and food cooperations are working together and truly think they are benefiting us with their new methods of making food when in reality they are harming us very badly.

      Jasmine Pena

    2. I agree with Marvin that the government is not doing enough to protect our food sources. The portions of money spent on food protection and health tests should be monitored more closely to ensure that it is being spent to control the right sources and ultimately result in a healthier and more prosperous society.

      Emily Hood
      Period 7

    3. i agree with marvin because all the corporations want is money.

      jefrey castillo

  2. I believe the government is doing the bare minimum to make sure what we consume isn't hazardous. I say this because there are still people getting sick due to mistakes that could of been avoided if a little more precaution had been taken. Also, the government does not make sure what we eat wont harm us. They make sure the food is edible, but do not take measures as far as the long term effects some foods could have on our health.

    Jasmine Pena

    1. I agree, they aren't doing much to protect our food.

      Douglas Green

    2. I totally agree because of the harm that can be given off is extremely dangerous and can be deadly.

      Kadarious Banks
      7th period

    3. I agree with Jasmine because they don't start taking precautions until an outbreak comes out, and then they want to help after the fact.
      Courtney Springer
      7th period

  3. I do not think that our government alone will be able to sufficiently protect our food sources. This is because with the government's help, food sources such as farmers, restaurants, processing factories, and establishments continue to find ways to cheat the system and provide contaminated to consumers. It is necessary for more action to take place in order to control this problem.

    Emily Hood
    Period 7

  4. I believe the government is not doing all they can do in protecting our food because if they were we wouldn't have food illness and would be more willing tell us what the risk and benefit of what we eat.
    -Khris Cole
    Period 7

  5. I do not think the government is able to protect our food sources because of other duties. If the government were to help, it would probably cost money and take up time to do so. The government could try and help but with them benefiting us, it could possibly harm as well.

  6. I think they are, but at the same time they struggle to do so. With all of these GMO's entering our foods, they aren't doing very well with our food protection.

    Douglas Green

  7. NO they are not becaused they are more focused on the income of money then the benefits of our health , the more food they put out more money they make and the lives lost just are lives lost.

    kadarious banks
    7th period

    1. I agree with Kadarious because the government does care more about money than our health. Money is all they care about
      Courtney Springer
      7th period

    2. I guess I do kinda agree. As long as the government can put some money in their pocket they will turn a blind eye.

      Elizabeth Devine

  8. i think that the government is not doing enough to protect our food because if we actually see what is going on inside the factories and stuff we would see that there is a lot of bacteria.

    jefrey castillo

    1. I agree with Jefferey. We shoukld sknow what is in our food. It is hurting a lot of people and we need to be more aware.

      Brandi Gould

    2. I agree with jeffery. W e dont know exactly whats going in our food and we need to know
      Brigid Gould

    3. I agree with jeff due to the fact that we still see food recalls all throughout America. this a great indicator to show the government is still letting thing fall through the cracks.

  9. our government should not be allowed to protect our food because they will only do what is best for them economically and they dont care if they did they would stop gmos from the start since they began. -KImberly andrade

  10. Our government is not doing enough to make our foods safe from harmful disease, they pride themselves on mass production of foods, but at the cost of safety. Harmful pesticides as well as poor factory requirements.
    Period 7th

    1. I agree with Cesar that the government don't put in enough effort to protect our food/crops from harmful illness.

      -Khris Cole Period 7

  11. I believe our government ist doing enough to make our fods safe. There are still harmful diseases and harmful pesticides.

    Brandi Gould

  12. I think the govt is doing the bare minium. I think they could do morebut theychoose not to.
    Brigid Gould

    1. I agree, and half the time the government does not even do the bare minimum. They do enough to make sure that people continuously spend money, and falsify protection for the media.

  13. I don't think our government is doing enough to protect our food source. Honestly, the government doesn't care what goes in our bodies, we need to care what goes in our bodies. the government knows exactly what is going in the food because they are paying the farms to enhance these organisms.
    Courtney Springer
    7th period

    1. I agree Courtney, I don't believe the government cares what we eat that's why it is our responsibility to make the decision. It is up to us to protect ourselves for the most part.
      Jacob Cavazos

  14. I believe that the government is still letting things fall through the cracks when it comes to food inspection and such. the amount of food born outbreaks we have in America is still plentiful which shows a major problem with the system.

    1. Probably should put your name. No idea who this is.

    2. I agree that can do a little better protecting the food service

  15. I think our government is doing the most it can when it comes to protecting our food. Government cannot simply protect us all from something as massive as food production. Of course you can't keep all bad things from happening, and you cant completely stop people and corporations that chose to be corrupt over selling an honest product. Government does the best it can with the regulations in place, the rest is up to the people.
    Jacob Cavazos

  16. I think that our governement is doing the best that they can. Companies that want to get around the rules have a lot of money and legal power and are always finding loopholes.

  17. Umm no I don't think the government is doing a good job because if they were it would be less sickness

  18. No, not at all. And the reason for this is because if people know what is in their their food than they will stop spending money there. And that will only bring an up roar, law suits will be flying everywhere and the government is not in need of any negative attention.
