Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 27-31 (4th six weeks) #4

What is your opinion on organic farming and foods?


  1. My opinion on organic farming and foods is that it is a good concept; however, depending on the company and the source that you get your organic food, sometimes it is not as reliable as it is assumed to be. Sources say that it is sold at a higher price, yet the farmers still might have used fertilizers or other type of enhancers.
    Emily Hood
    Period 7

    1. Its true most of the time organic foods are much higher then regular foods

    2. I agree sometimes they say the product is organic but it really isn't they are just trying to get more money

    3. i agree with emily because food now in days is damaged and can harm us.

      jefrey castillo

    4. I Agree with Emily because organic have all natural supplements that are good for the human body and not so much of other chemicals that farmers use to protect they products

      kadarious banks
      7th period

    5. I agree with chasate because organic food can be very expensive and I just don't see there extra cost to do me any good

    6. I agree it can be more expensive but it is worth the cost because you get better food, but you are also paying for some of the farmers' expenses.
      Paola Salazar

  2. I enjoy eating organic foods especially organic fruits. You can taste the difference

    1. This is very debatable, studies say that organic food smells better 60% of the time, whether it is true or not is preference. However, I have noticed a difference between regular and organic fruit and organic fruit seems to taste better. Organic fruits and vegetables taste similar to home grown crops.
      Emily Hood
      Period 7

    2. Personally, I have consumed both and one did not taste better than the other. I believe the debate isn't necessarily about the taste but the ingredients and the things that are added in the growing process.

    3. I agre with JAZZ. the tae are so similar that you cant tell whats organic and whats not
      Brigid Gould

    4. yes i also agree you cant really taste the difference

      Kiara Gayle

    5. I agree.Organic food isn't so bad

      Douglas Green p7

  3. my opinion on organic farming and foods is that organic farming is good for the plant which make the plants good for people to eat and they have no chemicals in them. but most organic foods are more expensive so most people cant afford them.

  4. i agree with this because ive noticed the difference in taste between the too. and if i could i would buy all organic fruits and vegetables.

  5. I really enjoy the idea of eating organic foods because they're natural and the way I think of it is if the animals are being given chemicals or other unnatural substances then that means I too will consume those substances. I do also prefer the way the animals tend to be treated more in organic farms as well.

    1. I agree that the idea of eating organic foods feels more natural. I didn't even think of the way the animals are treated before, but that's an interesting idea.
      Jacob Cavazos

  6. My opinion on organic farming and food is that they tend to be healthier and of higher quality. However, they are more costly, to raise and to buy. Raising organic fed cattle and other products is difficult and pricey, things such as pesticides and fertilizers were created because they made the job more efficient. But I believe it comes down to personal preference on which is better.
    Jacob Cavazos

    1. I agree with Jacob's statement. It is smarter to go healthier because it is great for your body. I like eating healthier bcause it feels good.

      Brandi Gould

  7. In my opininon, organic farming is the best way to go. Your fruits and veggies are natural. They are also better for your body.

    Brandi Gould

  8. I think its good to have organic because some people perfer to have fresh food. Me on the other hand i could cre lesswhere it comes from as long as its good
    Brigid Gould

  9. I believe that organic food is a lot more healthier than the others. However it very expensive and if it was the only fruit on the market it would be very expensive.

    1. I agree that it is very expensive. I would probably be more receptive to it if it wasn't as highly priced.
      Elizabeth Devine
      Period 7

  10. Personally I don't think that there is much of a difference between organic food and GMOs. There doesn't seem to be much difference to me, other than in price, as "organic" foods and products always tend to be more expensive.
    Elizabeth Devine
    Period 7

    1. when learning about GMO's and organic foods, people did make it seem like organic and genetically modified weren't any different, but I feel that they are more expensive, and more expensive for the reason of them not being able to enhance the products to grow faster.
      Courtney Springer
      7th period

  11. I love organic food because it is healthy and it just taste better to me but I don't eat it like all the time because like most people say it is a bit pricey

  12. my opinion for organic foods is that its really healthy and you know its all natural and comes straight from the ground and not from a science lab.
    -Khris Cole Period 7

    1. I agree organic food is healthy for you snce no pesticides and things aren't added

  13. I think that organic foods are a great thing i think everyone should try it, its healthy and better for you.
    Kiara Gayle

    1. I agree.People should try organic foods.

      Demaze Austin

  14. i thimk that organic farming isn't so bad. I work at an organic resteraunt and the food s pretty good.

    Douglas Green p7

  15. I think organic farming and foods aren't a bad thing. Some people may have their diferences about it

    Kadarious Bamks

    1. I agree with Kadarious because they aren't a bad thing, if anything they are a good thing because they don't contain harmful products.
      Courtney Springer
      7th period

  16. I think organic foods are more healthy than foods that have chemicals and things added onto them

    Demaze Austin

  17. As long as organic farming is safe i believe we can save resources which helps the world.

    Marvin Washington
    7th Period

  18. My opinion on organic farming and foods are that I think its a healthier way to grow crops , but the only bad thing about it is that there aren't pesticides to get rid of the flies.
    Courtney Springer
    7th period

  19. The organic farming is one of the best methods of farming for the reason that everything is natural and comes directly from mother nature. It is not only a healthier way to grow produce but it is safer for those who is intended to eat it.
    period 7th

  20. Organic farming is really important and a good source of producing food than factory farming. Organic foods seem to consume more nutrients than one that have gone through processors, steroids, and other ingredients to make produce bigger or seem healthier. Organics may be higher than other produce but its more safe and enjoyable to eat.

    Alexandria Oliver P.7

  21. my opinion on organic farms is good. they grow natural and safe food withhout all the chemicals and stuff that can harm us.

    jefrey castillo

  22. My opinion on organic farming and foods is that it is a good way to process foods and is healthier than GMO's. Even though organic foods cost more, they are worth the price because of them not containing steroids or pesticides or anything like that.
    Courtney Springer
    7th period

  23. organic foods do not have any qualities that can be scientifically proven to be healthier than non organic. the only differences are very small an that makes them not worth the extra bank/cash

  24. I think that organic foods are better than non organic foods just because they are less exposed to pesticides or other "toxins". Organic foods are more expensive but I think that it's worth the money because you are getting more reliable foods.
    Paola Salazar
    Period 7
