Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28-November 1

Why is it super important for you to pay attention in class during the design process lessons?


  1. It is very important to pay attention in class during the design process so you will be informed on the importance of the lesson. You will also succedd and earn good grades.

    Brandi Gould

    1. this is the pefect explination for paying attention in class to learn in anything

    2. I agree because if you don't pay attention then you don't learn and if you don't learn you don't get good grades

    3. I agree, the material we are learning is important in some way because we are graded on our knowledge in the course. Therefore if we don't pay attention we wont receive good grades.

      Courtney Springer

    4. I agree with Brandi because some of the work in this class has a great percentage on our grades

      Douglas Green

  2. The design process is very important in the landscape.It teaches you many ways to design a landscape

  3. ^^^
    Brandi Gould

  4. I agree with Brandi in how the single person has to pay attention to understand a certain part of the lesson but most of all what is concept of the lesson and if the instructions are being said than listen so nothing can go wrong
    7th period

    1. I agree, the steps in the design process are very important and each step and element is crucial. We as students should pay attention to make sure each step in the process goes as planned.

  5. The design is important because its a limb in the tree of landscaping. there are many things that come with landscaping and design is a major one
    Brigid Gould p.7

    1. I also agree with Brandi because she also believes that design is really significant to the field of landscaping, making it being really important to learn.
      Courtney Springer
      7th period

  6. Not only will we succeed and do well in the class but we will also be able to apply this knowledge to the outside work we do for the class and also in our lives outside of school if we decide to create a landscape.

    1. Jasmine is correct, the design process will be very useful outside of the classroom when we are engaging in our own landscapes, either in school or at home. This is also a very important topic to understand in order to succeed in the class throughout the year. The design process is a very important topic within the landscape curriculum and it will be beneficial for every student to know and understand within the classroom as well as in the outside world.

      Emily Hood
      Period 7

  7. It is important to pay attention in class during the design process lesson because the design process is a topic that will be used throughout the entire school year as well as when we are landscaping outside of class currently as well as in the future. The design process is a very valuable topic, which is very important in order to create a beautiful landscape.

    Emily Hood
    Period 7

    1. I agree, learning the design process is important so we can use it in class and outisde of the class.

  8. its very important because in class you can learn faster than trying on your own.
    Demaze Austin

  9. it always important to pay attention anyway, ut it help you develope your landsc ape without it there no landscaping -Khris Cole Period 7

    1. I agree with Khris because without design there is no landscape. Its important to pay attention and learn one of the most important things of landscape there is to know.
      Courtney Springer
      7th period

  10. It's important to pay attention in class because that's how you learn if you don't pay attention you won't be able to do your work and turn it in for a good grade

    1. Yeah you have to pay attention so that you are able to do your work or whatever you assign us to do

  11. Its important to pay attention just in case you give us a test or some kind of assignment

    Chasate King
    Period 7

    1. I totally agree, because Ms.burden always gets on us about not paying attention and how it reflects on our grades when we can do better.

      Kadarious Banks
      7th period

  12. It is important to pay attention beacuse we may need to use what you taught in another lesson or could be used on a test in the near future.

    Alexandria Oliver P. 7

    1. yes you would use the information again, in the green house and when we are doing projects.

      kiara gayle

  13. It is important to pay attention so that we learn, and know how to use what we learn. Paying attention will allow us to put to use what we learn about the design process.
    Paola Salazar
    Period 7

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. We should definitely pay attention in class because eventually we will have to apply what we know to the real world and we cannot do that without absorbing the information. The design process is a big factor in landscape design which is the class we are taking so it is crucial we know what we are doing when it comes to that.

    Courtney Springer

  16. It is very important to pay attention in class because you can miss out on learning about valuable learning tools that you may can use on a test or upcoming final.

    Kadarious Banks
    7th period

    1. I agree with Kadarious, learning is quite important. And the lessons we learn in class is are quite important and valuable.

  17. It is super important to pay attention in class during the design process lessons because the designing of landscape is one of the most important aspects of landscaping. Without knowing how to design, its impossible to landscape.
    Courtney Springer
    7th period

  18. It is important for us to pay attention during the design process lesson because that process is a major objective during a project

    Douglas Green 7th

  19. It is important to pay attention because when we actually do the process we understand what to do. And also we can explain it to others.

    1. its always important you know what your doing at all times.

      jefrey castillo

  20. it is important so you mess anything up. you have to make sure all you steps are accurate and all the measurements. you dont want to go out there not knowing whats going on. so pay attention and get smart :)

    kiara gayle

  21. it is important for you to pay attention during the design process so that you know what your doing when we get an assignment and you can use what you learned about it in the future.

    jefrey castillo

  22. it is important to pay attention in class because the design process has to be planned out carefully design is what attracts people if its planned out it could be considered a masterpiece.

    Marvin Washington
    7th period
