Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21-25

Other than the actual content, how can you use what I teach you in class ? Think about assignments and tests and other things we do. 


  1. bebcause im a visual learner i think a way of teaching us would be showing us so that we can see it live be able to touch and feel whatever your teaching us. Somethimes seeing things visually can help you remember better.

    Brigid Gould

    1. I agree with Brigid, It is easier for me to comprehend lessons when they are introduced to me visually. The class notes, quizzes, and tests will help me to fully understand the material and I will be able to carry out my knowledge through my own activities outside of school.

      Emily Hood
      Period 7

    2. Im a hands on type of person so its better for me to actually do stuff then just listen

    3. I agree with brigid, ;), she said it all.

    4. I agree I love hands on activities because you learn faster and easier and it's fun to actually be able to do things instead of just being told information

    5. Some of the stuff you teach can be carried out of the class room and into the real world. We may want to fix up our yards to make the outside physical appearance look decent.

      Douglas Green 7th

    6. I agree with Brigid. Some people learn in different ways and maybe hands on learning works better for them

      Douglas Green 7th

  2. I will be able to use the class lessons to my benefit because they provide an alternate way of grasping the materials, rather than hands on activities in the greenhouse. The visual lessons will benefit my learning needs and it also allows me to take notes, which I can use throughout the year to study and to help me get a good grade in the course.

    Emily Hood
    Period 7

    1. I agree with Emily the lessons we learn will carry is throughout life facing any problem related to that area.

      Marvin Washington
      7th Period

    2. I agree with Emily the notes taken will help us because we will have something to look back to and study from throughout the year.
      Paola Salazar
      Period 7

    3. I also agree with Emily because note taking will not only help us to get a good grade in the course, but note taking helps your ability to be able to remember things better because you are writing it down. So that is another way it benefits us
      Courtney Springer
      7th period

  3. Instead of content when you give us out own individual studies it helps prepare our mind for steps to completion or any complication we might face in that area that was previously taught to us.

    Marvin Washington
    7th Period

  4. The classroom lessons will help me because through writing and reading and listening the information will stay in my head easier rather than simply hearing about something and having to imagine it. With all the notes and handouts I receive will help me on the final and other important tests as well.

    -Jasmine Pena

  5. I also agree with Emily beacause although working in the greenhouse is a hands on activity, studying material is a much better way to actually understand what we are learning exactly.

    1. I agree, working in the greenhouse gives us great experience. I like it alot and we should do it more often.

      Brandi Gould

    2. I agre with jasmine. I think going to the green house gives us a chance to see touch and feel what were learning about

      Brigidgould p.7

  6. Last year the agriculture class helped me in my culinary class because we were basically talking about the same thing

    Chasate K
    Period 7

  7. The power points in class can help me because I am a visual learner. Taking notes during the power points can help me study for tests, quizzes, and other activities.
    Paola Salazar
    Period 7

    1. I agree with Paola because the collision of seeing the pictures and writing down what they are is the best way to be prepared for activities and test because you're able to match the picture with notes you have previously taken.
      Courtney Springer
      7th period

  8. I am a viasual learner and I like to see things live. I learn best that way and its fun.

    Brandi Gould P:7

  9. Agree with Paola with the power point. The visual of the power point can show distractions on what a object should be looking like but the other important thing is hands -on witness the experience
    7th period

  10. I like hands on activites. I learn how to do things faster that way then just watching. Especially for outdoor things for my SAE projects.
    Demaze Austin

  11. the hands activity we do in this class can really benifit us if we want to start a career in lnadscaping. Also can help how to landscape our houses in the future ahead us. I agree with demaze i learn faster on hands on activities. -Khris Cole Period 7

    1. the hands on activities that we do in class can help us learn how to work quick and help us be more aware of what we are doing or what plants we are messing with

  12. What we can use the things we learn in class on is other things such as if we were to continue in this field as a career or we can use it to help us with other things such as cooking even small things such as flower arrangements etc

    1. I agree with aschante, we could use what you teach us in other fields of life and careers.

  13. we can use what we learn in class in situations like applying for a part time job at a floral place or maybe if we are trying to go to a university like ATM that focuses on agriculture.

  14. What you teach us in class, we can use that for a job or a career. Also if you want to make an arrangement for someone or explaining something could be helpful too.

    Alexnadria Oliver p.7

  15. We can use it by setting up a foundation around our homes and planning our landscape designs that we can use for our future goals.

    Kadarious Banks
    7th period

  16. The way I can use the things you teach us in class is by applying what you have taught us when studying for test, having ideas for my own landscape at home, or when I am working on my current SAE project.
    Courtney Springer
    7th period

  17. I can use what you teach in class by making a garden around our homes and making up our own landscape design.

  18. i can use the study skills you teach and the listening skills how we work together in a groups and study together. i can really use that in college

    kiara gayle

  19. With what you teach in class I can apply to my tests and other assignments for the class. Thats why it is important I pay attention so I can actually known what I'm doing when it comes to the other activities. This information will also most likely be on final so we should make sure we are understanding every single thing.

    Courtney Springer
