Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 2-6 (3rd six weeks)

What do you need to make sure that you include on your site analysis? Why is it important that you note all of these things?


  1. on site analiysis you need to draw what you see and what you want to improve. You need to do this so when your away from thr site you can still picture what it looked like
    Brigid Gould

    1. I agree with Brigid on the importance of drawing. I believe this is the most important step in your landscaping process.This is where everything begins.

      Brandi Gould

    2. I agree with you also, however I believe that the drawings should be well located and described through out the entire process.

    3. i agree to Brigid. you have to include all things even a bush or a pole you see.

      Douglas Green 12/10/13

  2. When you have a site analysis you nedd to draw a layout of your landscape. This will help your landscape project more successful and look very pretty.

    Brandi Gould

    1. I agree with Brandi, a drawing of the potential landscape is necessary because it gives visual perspective of what the final landscape is going to look like and it shows the materials that are going to be used as well as the spacing. A landscape design drawing that is properly designed will result in a very successful final landscape.

      Emily Hood
      Period 7

    2. I also agree with Brandi because creating a site analysis before creating the final product will help your landscape and help you decide if everything comes together correctly.
      Courtney Springer
      7th period

    3. I agree with Brandi due to the fact that a site analysis is necessary for a landscaping project to be successful you must know what you have to do. By doing this you can keep the landscape even and balanced.
      Aditya Thomas

  3. There are many components to include within teh site analysis. Firstly, it is important to describe the area that is going to be landscaped, mentioning details and descriptions of the soil and structure. Also, it is important to include measurements and drawings, which will be used to create and design the landscape.

    Emily Hood
    Period 7

    1. I agree because all these things together create the landscape and even without perfecting one aspect could throw off the entire thing.

    2. I agree with Emily also because a site analysis has to include all of that to be efficient. It is a representation for what is to actually be there so including all of those details up front, will help the end result
      Courtney Springer
      7th period

    3. you always have to know the are around you as a landscaper because it your job to make everything look nice and please the customer

      jefrey castillo

    4. I agree because it is important to have an idea of what you want to do with your landscape.
      Paola Salazar
      Period 7

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The site analysis is very important if there is slant area and if some other defects and what can be done to be improve. When planning a design every detail is important to have the right landscape on the first try and wont have to go again and restart.

  6. There are many components involved in a site analysis such as the location, size, the man made features already present, etc. These are all important because without taking note of all these things mistakes are bound to be made and the client would be very unhappy with the outcome.

  7. When composing a site analysis you need to make sure that you are detailed and specific. You need to include landmarks and well prepped description of the area bing drawn.

  8. When creating a site analysis, it is important to include the major details that make up that specific site, and all of the elements that go into the site analysis. Including location, neighborhood context, size and zoning, legal, utilities, infrastructure etc.
    Courtney Springer
    7th period

  9. it is important for you to draw a sketch of the site so that way when you start doing your site analysis you have a pretty good idea of what you are drawing.

    jefrey castillo

    1. The drawings are like a rough draft of ideas so that you can see exactly what you want

  10. It includes location, neighborhood context, site and zoning. Its important because the buyers have to know these things

  11. its important to keep site analysis to make sure that you understand the value of land and what it consist of what you need and also it includes the location, context and neighbors around the site. It important to know because so nthe contexxt and location of the site.

    -Khris Cole Period 7

  12. i also agree with chasate because the importance of location and context of the site is important and is beneficial for the customer and also later customers that would like to buy.

    -Khris Cole Period 7

  13. It is important to include a description of the site you are going to work with.It is also important to include sketches of what you want to do with the landscape area.
    Paola Salazar
    Period 7

    1. yes so that you can know what to do and what to produce

      kiara gayle

  14. You would need to include all of your surroundings. write down or draw everything you see outside so that once you go out to design your product it would be perfect. Gives you an idea of what you're doing or going to produce

    Kiara Gayle
    7th pd

    1. I agree because having some to go off of will lead you in the right direction. It gives you a cocncept on what to produce and what you need to make it outstanding

    2. kadarious banks
      7th period

  15. On a sight analysis you need to make sure you include all things you see on the lot so your site would be accurate.

    Douglas Green

    1. I agree with Douglas it is important to include all the details to make the site analysis accurate
      Kimberly Andrade

  16. You need to make sure that you record observations and to visit several times because there might be something different that you didn't spot the first time.
    Kimberly A

    1. I agree with you Kimberly it is sometimes good to visit the site at different times of the day because it could change.

      Jacob Cavazos

  17. For a good site analysis you must take very good notes of the landscape and land. These notes should include things such as potential problems that may arise or situations that you could take advantage of. It is good to take pictures or a measuring stick so you can very specific information about the characteristics of your site.

    Jacob Cavazos

  18. To have a good site analysis you need to have good measurements and good notes that you can feed off of. It is always good to have reminders of what need to be corrected and what specific information you need to improve it.

    Kadarious Banks
    7th period

    1. i agree with Kadarious because it is always good to take notes.
      Demaze Austin

  19. You will need to know all measurements and make good observations of the site analysis. Its important to keep note because you might have to go back and make changes.
    Demaze Austin

    1. I agree with Demaze it is important to know the sizing of the plan so you will not make any changes.

  20. To make sure that your site analysis is in check is that you need to have the correct land design and measurements in order to correctly finish the product. In order to make sure that all things are correct when doing site analysis is that you double check your work and make sure with your client that the landscape and lot is perfect.

    Alexandria Oliver p.7

  21. In site analysis you need to know your surrounding and your awareness needs to be close to perfection to catch every detail that in your analysis including the base plan, base map, and design view.

    Marvin Washington
    7th Period

  22. A site analysis is just your basic "make sure you thought of everything before landscaping" checklist. Of course, with every landscape and design being unique, there are many different consideration to think about. you must think about things that already exist in the landscape and things that cant be removed.

  23. On the site analysis you need to include important varibles such as placement, size, and coordinates of the vegetation in the site analysis. The site analysis is give the client an accurate idea of how the layout is of the actual system is going to be.
