Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9-13

What do you believe is one of the most important landscaping elements?

Remember to post twice! 

Ms. B


  1. Brandi Gould
    7th period

    Unity attracts and holds attention. It organizes view into groups with emphasis.

    1. Unity is also very important to landscaping, without unity, it would probably not look so put together.
      Courtney springer 7th

    2. I agree that unity is important but i also believe that balance is important to because ut levels out everything

    3. I agree. Having a form of unity would be most important to the piece. So say if you had twins and you wanted them to match you wouldn't put one in red and another in yellow.

      Kadarious Banks
      7th Period

  2. Brandi Gould
    7th period
    Balance is also very important. It levels things out and make sure evrything is even and together.

    1. I believe that balance is important, but I would put it as second important after variety, because with variety comes balance.
      Courtney springer 7th period

    2. i agree that balance is important because you need balance between the landscape so everything will come together.

      Karina Hudson

    3. I agree with Brandi,
      Balance is the most important landscape element because without it a design looks incomplete. Balance allows people to have the ability to fully observe and enjoy the design because is ensures an equal quality, which means that one part isn't better than the other, it is balanced.

      Emily Hood
      Period 7

  3. The most important principles of landscape design include the elements of unity, scale, balance, simplicity , variety, emphasis, and sequence. The most important element I think would be variety because if its not enough, it wouldn't be so much of an eye catcher.
    Courtney Springer 7th period

    1. I agree with courtnry. Varity is very important because with out it then the project is incomplete.

      Brigid Gould p.7

    2. Having a variety does make a project look good

  4. the most improtant landscape element is sequence. Without that then there would be no beauty in the final product. Every little deatil is important and if that doennt look right

    Brigid Gould p.7

    1. I do believe that sequence is important however I do not agree that it is a major factor on rather the landscaping is beautiful or not.

  5. The most important landscape element is the beauty. When people decorate gardens it just brings calmness and quietness to the setting.

    Chasate King period 7

    1. I agree because an ugly landscape design is not one people will want to visit.

      Jasmine Pena

  6. Unity and variety is important to landscape because it really stands out and bring out the beauty of the plants and of the landscapes. -Khris Cole Period 7

  7. I agree with chaste with the beauty of the because of the setting it brings out to other people causing them to draw attraction to the flowers. -Khris Cole P.7

  8. I believe that all of the landscaping elements are equally important. However, I tend to favor Balance because it gives the landscape a favorable quality.

    1. I agree with Tyshell because unbalanced designs don't really look good to me.

  9. I believe the most important element to landscaping is having an idea of what you want to do. If you have an idea on what you want then your design will come out right but if you don't have an idea then your design will most likely be unbalanced and sloppy etc.

  10. I also believe that creativity is an important element to landscaping because when you're creating a design you're showing your creativity level. When someone pays for a design they don't want a boring design they want something that will set the mood for what where they need it to be for.

  11. I believe that creativity and being able to execute your design plan is the most important elements because you need to be creative so you can see your plan but you also have to be able to execute your plan.

    Karina Hudson

  12. The design of what is being made and how the paper will show how in the really world with nothing missing and has refreshing look.

  13. What do you want the house to look like in which is it a normal feel or a feel that you look back every time and enjoy the view and can't get over it by its beauty.

  14. The most important landscaping element is balance. Balance is very important in a landscape because it is easier to view the entire landscape, rather than when all of the plants are on one side, which directs the eye to only see half of the landscape. Balance is necessary because when a landscape is unbalanced it looks incomplete.

    Emily Hood
    Period 7

    1. Paola Salazar
      Period 7

      I agree with Emily, balance is important because it draws attention to the landscape. Without balance, a landscape would not look equal or even.

  15. I believe Unity is the most important element because without unity the landscape would look all over the place and just not well put together. Landscapes should be appealing to the eye and if a landscape is unorganized it is completely defeating its own purpose.

    Jasmine Pena
    Period 7

  16. Paola Salazar
    Period 7

    I believe that the most important element is balance. Balance is important because without it, a landscape would look uneven and unappealing.

  17. I believe the most important element of the art of landscape is balance. Without balance you will have no flow.The idea of landscaping is to create the most creative design with the space given to you. Landscaping is an art so we must live up to that expectation.
    -Aditya thomas
    period 7

  18. Because it Brings out the scenery around it and makes the vibe real bold. Landscaping is what makes the home, buildings, street corner, most interesting. I believe the most important element would be unity because if the vibe doesn't flow together then it wouldn't be complete.

    Kadarious Banks
    7th Period

    1. KD pointed out that Unity brings out the scenery and he is correct because that is very important when it comes to trying and impress the people.

  19. i believe that the most important element is the Unity element because Unity attracts and holds attention. It organizes view into orderly groups with emphasis.

  20. I believe Balance is the key to having the best landscape. Without balance there can be no unity if everything isn't layered or measured piece by piece then it could look a mess.

    Marvin Washington , 7th period

  21. I think that the most important element to landscape is balance. Balance is important it is easy on the observers eyes. Balance allows a landscape to be taken to the next level and it also brings out features of the landscape that might otherwise go unnoticed without balance? Jim britton 7th period
